For A Few Dollars More

The Bounty Hunter and associated cards from the second print on demand set put out for the Traveller Card Game.
Let’s begin with an obvious comparison. The Bounty Hunter has numerous similarities to the Type S Scout. Both have the same ,
Slots, and both produce a single advanced capability token. So, what differs?
Besides the art, the special abilities are quite different. The Type S Scout, as the smallest prior to the Bounty Hunter, has had to make due with less dependence upon permanents – cards that remain in play unless removed. The Type S Scout‘s cost reduction ability with
, one of two transient card types in the game along with
, provides an alternative to relying upon additional
Instead of having a different form of special ability to compensate for fewer permanent slots, the Bounty Hunter looks to leverage a thematic ability of gaining from the losses of opponents. While varied versions of the Bounty Hunter‘s ability were considered, we kept coming back to the idea of gaining from opponents’
being jettisoned.
Now, consider how this sort of ability inclines a player to a very different philosophy from a Type S Scout player. Oh, not in terms of removal, as
removal is prevalent and routinely constructive for any captain. But, where the Type S Scout‘s captain has reasons to focus on speed and the quick win, burning through
to push through
and to gain extra
, the Bounty Hunter captain’s math may include counting each additional round that a game goes to be another opportunity at a
On the other hand, the Bounty Hunter still must contend with certain challenges. Against a pirate, the Bounty Hunter is not particularly suited to defense and would be hard pressed to fend off bankruptcy unless putting considerable effort into preservation. Against, say, a Subsidized Merchant that can keep gaining 4 from
with little to no support, a longer game may not help the Bounty Hunter to keep pace.
Still, with an extra incentive to force opponents to jettison , a war of denial can be staged. Friends from Before (found with Corporate Contraband) and Firefight (In the Presence of Mine Enemies) both synergize with
removal. Corporate Contraband may not be the most synergistic
, however there are
such as Flint, Dezihdhodhude Mehro, Gvaerrggoursu who can both help to remove opposing
or can Lost and Found any opposing/stolen
Then, add in Troublesome Bounty // More Bling, More Bother!.
One of the reasons for choosing the Gazelle and Bounty Hunter as POD was to get more
into the card pool. Troublesome Bounty gives both of them one more tool that trader style ships aren’t going to be enthused by.
For an opponent, not only taking hits earlier in the round but running into even more during the Resolution Phase can mess with the math on trying to preserve . By the way, expecting that a Bounty Hunter captain will pass out
of a certain weaponlike sort to the
, More Bling, More Bother and the aforementioned Friends from Before and Firefight can turn and bite their owner. Armor is one way to try to mitigate the impact of having to resolve one’s own
. High
is another, with Gorbash likely to see a ton of play in Bounty Hunter decks for, um, … reasons.
Relief Op is quite different. Easier for a Gazelle captain. may not be the highest priority for a Bounty Hunter captain. It is another
with similarities how the Type S Scout has to find ways to generate additional capability tokens. Clank! is more of a neutral effect shipwise, affecting certain builds far more than others.
On the one hand, Hobble requires where Bounty Hunter decks are likely to be replete with
. On the other, it doesn’t jettison
. One may wonder why run Hobble versus running an alternative that will eliminate the target. The game is gaining more ways to protect
, not so much in this set but in upcoming releases. Then, it’s another
trigger for those situations where additional benefits can be gained from playing
Combat Knife went through relatively few changes. For the longest time, it has been an 2 card that can come into play for free from the discard pile. See how comborrific it eventually ends up. Aggressive cards fit with the Bounty Hunter-theme, which is why we went with yet another
here. Maybe we do a poll to see which
are preferred after Combat Knife becomes available.
As the card pool expands, going to see more cards that look similar to old. However, the subtle differences will, hopefully, give players options they enjoy.
With the Bounty Hunter pack’s cards, will the metagame shift to more defense? Will we start seeing Crewless decks, which frees up oodles of slots as
are obviously not going in (well, Gazelle Warfare
could, in theory)?
What of solo play?
removal isn’t applicable to most solo scenarios. With three of five cards very oriented to messing with
and another that also messes with
, this pack is thinking more about the player vs. player paradigm. In fact, more than one opponent is even more suited to a focus on messing with
continuously throughout games. Developer’s note: the Bounty Hunter‘s ability was, at one point, far better in multiplayer play.
Well, let’s craft more solo play scenarios where these cards matter. Send in ideas. Besides glory, we may find some other ways to compensate you all for your efforts.
Love, love, love your analysis pieces. Keep ’em coming!