The Traveller Customizable Card Game at DunDraCon 42!

Traveller Customizable Card Game events official kicks off at DunDraCon 42!
What is DunDraCon?
DunDraCon is a gaming convention located in San Ramon, California over President’s Day weekend. The four day event hosts numerous RPG, board, miniature and yes, card games. If you’ve never been to a gaming convention before, they are a wonderful opportunity to experience new titles and meet other enthusiastic hobbyists. If you’re already an experienced conventioneer, DDC is a treat as it offers a wide range of games, while still maintaining that “small town feel.”
More information regarding the schedule, venue and registration can be found on their website.
What is Happening There?
We will be hosting three two-hour demonstration events, open to anyone. If you’re brand new to the Traveller Customizable Card Game, come on by, learn the rules and chat with the developers. If you’ve already got a few games under your belt, use the demo as a chance to sharpen your skills, tune a deck, or just meet other players.
Our demos are scheduled on:
All the demos are free and open to anyone. We will be giving out Ship Decks to participants, while supplies last.
Anything Besides Demos?
Now that you mention it, yes! We will be hosting a tournament on Sunday, immediately after the conclusion of the demo. It’ll be a chance to put your skills to the test in friendly competition with your fellow Traveller Customizable Card Game Captains.
There is no entry fee, there’ll be prizes, and good times had by all!
Sounds Great! What’s Next?
We hope this is just the start of our official events. You can follow along with what we’ve got on the horizon, and even submit your own opportunities by heading over to our Event Calendar.