What is "Hindrance"?

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What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Mithgiladan » Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:49 pm


I've checked and have the following from the rules:
Hindrance appears almost exclusively on cards meant to be played attached to a card controlled by an opponent, for a deleterious effect. Hindrances have both the Integral and Trifling keywords. Additionally, Gear with Hindrance may be played attached to a Crewcontrolled by an opposing captain, and Upgrade with Hindrance may be played attached to an opposing captain’s Ship."

But, nowhere have I found an explanation of what Hindrance actually does?

I've searched this board and not found it mentioned, so can this be explained?
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Re: What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Horizon Jeff » Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:52 am

Hindrance is a keyword, so all it does on its own is encompassed by the text you quoted. For simplicity, I'll break it down into three components:

You can attach the card onto a card controlled by an opponent. For instance, a :gear with Hindrance can be attached to an opposing :crew.

Hindrance includes by default the keywords Trifling and Integral.

Integral: Prevents the card from being moved, except to an out of play region

Trifling: Cards with Trifling don't count against the slot limit for cards you can have in play. So a Hindrance :alteration doesn't prevent the :crew from having other :alteration attached.

But the reason to play Hindrances is that they have effects that hurt the card they're attached to. For instance, Realms of Rampage is a Hindrance :gear that :exert the attached when it is first played, and threatens to :exert the :crew every Ready Phase.


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Re: What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Mithgiladan » Sun Sep 22, 2019 6:43 am

To take this from the card which sparked the question:
"Police Raid" (Subsidized Merchant Ship #30)

Action Phase
:admin- :action _ :exert : Inflict 1 :wounds on target :crew, :exert it, then attach this card to the target as a Hindrance. Attached gains Unsavory.
:admin+ :action : As above, then inflict 1 :wounds on any number of target Unsavory :crew.

So, taking this apart...
I would expect a Hindrance to be an on-going obstruction.

1) "my" :crew with :admin- will :exert this in the :action phase.
In doing so, my :crew with :admin- is :exert in the process.
I Inflict 1 :wounds on target :crew and :exert it....OK. This is nothing "ongoing" except where :wounds caused by " :gear :weapon " which, if not healed, will continue to effect that :crew ....Not a hindrance so far....

"Then", the card is attached and that :crew gains "Unsavory"...which "can" hurt in some circumstances but also can help!
In fact, there are contracts that require Unsavory.....so Thank you! You may have just increased the diversity of my crew!

Now 2)
"my" :crew with :admin+ does the same as above along with having used a shotgun or automatic :gear :weapon to hit more than a single :crew, spraying all my Unsavory minions....

Still, not an on-going obstruction, and so...to my mind...not a Hindrance

I can see a Pistol with "Hindrance" if it only causes the lightest of :wounds, or can only be used in limited situations....because ir prevents the :crew so equipped from Jettisoning the Hindrance " :gear :weapon " for a better " :gear :weapon ".

But this hindrance does not prevent the "hindered" :crew from being equipped with :gear
But this hindrance does not prevent the "hindered" Captain from making any :connection

Indeed, the differences between this card and "Neural Gun"(Empress Marava Far Trader Ship #33) are:
1) It causes 1 :wounds tothe Target :crew
2) at :admin+, it causes :wounds to multiple :crew

So, this is not a Hindrance...it is an instance of :gear :weapon use
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Re: What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Horizon Jeff » Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:39 pm

There's a lot to unpack there. I'm not really sure where the :gear :weapon is coming into it, so for clarity I'm going to explain from the top rather than try and respond to the specific scenario in your post.

Police Raid is a :heroics that :crew with the proper skill can perform in the Action Phase, and it's clear from your question you understand that mechanic.

So when you perform Police Raid at :admin- , you target an enemy :crew, :exert it, inflict one :wounds, then attach the card as a Hindrance. The consequence of the Hindrance is that it gives Unsavory.

All of this you seemed to understand really well, but the :gear :weapon part was confusing to me.

If you have the :admin+ version of the skill, then after resolving all the :admin- effects, you can then choose any number of Unsavory :crew and inflict one :wounds on them. This can include the original target of the skill, in effect inflicting two :wounds on them. But then it also does one :wounds to any other Unsavory :crew you decide to include.


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Re: What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Mithgiladan » Tue Sep 24, 2019 1:12 pm

That description of "Police Raid" matches my understanding.
And my use of " :gear :weapon " was meant to equate to "Gear of subtype Weapon"

But, I intended it to lead to Two points which I may not have made as prominent as I wanted.

Point 1: Gaining the Attribute "Unsavory" is not a Hindrance

:crew like "Deshaun Jasso" and "Siobhan El-Amin" Start as Unsavory
:connection such as "Class X, Startown Bar" promote Unsavory
:weapon such as "Body Pistol" relate specifically to Unsavory

And cutting to the chase, Unsavory can be beneficial:
___The complication "Friends from Before" states:
______Jettison an Unsavory :crew your control or inflict 1 :wounds on each of your :crew.
______So, if I do not have an Unsavory :crew then "ALL" of my crew get damaged

Point 2: A Hindrance stops a player from doing things they "should be able to" do unless they take additional actions or pay additional costs.
Manning your ship with Unsavory or (for lack of a better term) ethical :crew is a player-decision based on the deck that Captain has built and Savory or not will affect how "that choice" was made. There is not "should be able to" here.

But every Captain "should be able to" attach a :gear of any subtype to a character if there is an available slot
Every Captain "should be able to" attach an :upgrade of any subtype to that Captain's :ship if there is an available slot

If a :gear with the Keyword Hindrance "prevented" a Captain from attaching additional :gear in a way they "should be able to", then that would be an actual hindrance.

Of course, this runs afoul of the property of Hindrance that it includes "Trifling"
If a :gear of type :weapon had Hindrance but did "not" have "Trifling", that :crew would not be able to have another :gear of type :weapon attached without the aid of yet another card being put in play and affecting that :crew or relationship somehow.

"That" is a Hindrance.

I hope I have made my points more clearly visible
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Re: What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Horizon Ian » Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:41 am

Hindrance has a more modest meaning than you think it does.

A gear or upgrade with Hindrance also gains Integral and Trifling. Some cards reference Hindrance, such as EnviroSafe Vacc Suit.

That's it, mechanically. The rest about deleterious effects and whatnot is to help players understand why they would put cards in their decks that don't make their own stuff better.

There's nothing in the definition of Hindrance that requires that it stop a crew or ship from doing something.

Police Raid becomes a gear with Hindrance - a type of gear with Integral and Trifling - stop. The gear's effect is to give the attached crew Unsavory. That's it.

You may want more of your crew to be Unsavory for some reason, in which case playing it on your own crew might make sense even if it deals a wound to your crew (maybe the crew has Armor and ignores it, anyway). Point being that Hindrances aren't necessarily bad for whatever they are attached to. A lot of customizable card games see similar card plays where something that is generally negative may be a positive in the right circumstances.
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Re: What is "Hindrance"?

Post by Traveller-Jake » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:26 pm

Two points:
1. It's called a "Hindrance" in part because if it does negatively impact the :crew it can only be gotten rid of with abilities that remove Hindrances. :wounds can be healed at every ready phase. Hindrances stick to the :crew. And if you include other cards that negatively affect Unsavory then it really does become a Hindrance to the other player in the "negative consequence" sense.
Wabapawab and "On the Lam" can then target them, for instance.
2. The opposite trait to Unsavory would probably be "Altruistic", a trait several :crew have.

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