Well, I’m back. Seems that my

misjumped far beyond the Imperial borders and it has taken me 5 long years to repair the jump drive and claw my way back to the mains, but finally I’ve rediscovered a friendly port.
I see that Cpt Ric and others have also returned of late and we are even gaining some new members. Huzzah! There is life yet in this game. Yes, the ships are returning to the Mains, the fleets are returning to the Marches, the chickens are coming home to roost, the cows… well you know what I mean.
I see that the database is down, which is a great loss. If it can be reconstituted I would be happy to help out.
I’m a bit choked though to see that both the Central Supply Catalog and Rogue’s Gallery are out of stock. Jeff, Ian, if you are reading this I hope/pray you can restock those decks. I have plans for those cards!
It’s good to be home.