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Event Support
Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:29 pm
by Horizon Jeff
Do you run Traveller CCG events at local gaming conventions or regular game nights open to the public? If so, let us know! We have some promo cards we'd be thrilled to send as prize support, and we'll do everything we can to help get the word out about!
You can post here, PM us over the forums, hit us up on
Facebook or email us directly at
Re: Event Support
Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:43 am
by Horizon Ian
I have some support requests that I'm working on.
In terms of format for requests, the preference would be:
Email [this makes follow up easier, such as package tracking]
Ship to address
Event location (convention, store, other)
Event type (demo, tournament, other)
Timeframe [less concerned with specific date than when support is needed by]
Types of support desired (not just physical product but such things as help advertising)
Can contact Jeff and me to make sure we don't miss a request.
Also, we very much would like to hear how events go. Having been a volunteer for other CCG companies, I'm not going to worry about tracking specific numbers of who participated. And, I've run plenty of events that had minimal participation, so I'm not so concerned if an event doesn't meet expectations. But, if suddenly 20 people show up out of the black, sounds like Horizon should be aware. And, looking for people's feedback on how we can help facilitate play or offer a better experience playing.
Logistically, it's far easier to mail promo cards than, say, playmats, but I am open to the idea of variety in giveaways. Depending upon location, may be some chance of being able to hand deliver product, where heavier is easier. For instance, if someone has plans for after Origins and/or Gen Con, I could try to hand carry materials.
Re: Event Support
Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 1:46 pm
by Littlebuddha
Greetings Jeff, Ian,
Running Traveller Ccg Demo and tournament
At Lion's Gate Hotel Concvention Center.
Old McClellan AFB, Sacramento.
Sunday, 0900-1400
Requested prize support, and to have event posted on calendar.
Sacramento Conquest Avalon